Esteban Sañudo, PhD student and member of GEAMA, participated as a speaker in a seminar organized by the GW4 Water Security Alliance at the University of Exeter. This seminar was carried out within the framework of his research stay at this University and was focused on presenting a set of experimental tests carried out in a new large-scale urban drainage facility located at the University of A Coruña.

The development and performance of urban drainage models must be validated by observed data. Experimental data is expensive to obtain, both in the field and laboratory campaigns, and its availability is very limited. Esteban Sañudo studied in this facility the rainfall-runoff processes on roofs and street surface and sewer network flow. The experimental data were compared with those obtained by the numerical model. Due to the large size of the experimental facility, the scale effects are reduced to a minimum. In the seminar, it was also presented the numerical model used for the simulations of the facility: Iber-SWMM (2D/1D dual drainage model).