Hydrology and Applied Geology

Hydrology and Applied Geology

The Hydrology and Applied Geology Group (HYGA) develops its activity within the field of natural waters, the environment as well as different facets of applied geology and geological engineering. Its lines of research include hydrogeology, hydrological and water quality studies, limnology and applied rock mechanics.

One of HYGA’s main fields of research is the study of inland waters in their multiple facets: natural quality, passive treatment systems for acidic waters, modelling of hydrological and hydrogeological processes, development of systems for monitoring and control of water quality, hydrogeology, hydrothermalism, etc. In each and every one of these fields, GEAMA-HYGA has proven experience associated with the execution of various projects and technical assistance contracts, as well as the training of doctors and technologists. Another remarkable field of research is that of experimental studies in rock mechanics applied to relevant environmental issues (e.g. CO2 geological storage) or energy (e.g. hydrocarbon exploration and unconventional oil and gas fields).

HYGA researchers develop, jointly or in coordination, multiple research projects, R+D contracts, teaching tasks, publications as well as other training activities (official master’s degree, courses, seminars, etc.) and dissemination (congresses, conferences, etc.).

HYGA collaborates with other research groups from Galicia, Spain and other countries (CIEMAT; DMAMN-UPC; Water Institute of the University of Granada; Grup Consolidat de Mineralogía Aplicada i Medi Ambient de la Universitat de Barcelona; Grupo de Hidrogeología de la Universidad de Málaga; Grupo de Geotecnia Aplicada y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha; Grup de Hidrogeoquímica del Institut de Ciències de la Terra «Jaume Almera» – CSIC; Colorado School of Mines; Magdeburg Stendal Hochschule, etc.).


Permanent Staff

Jordi Delgado Martín
Ricardo Juncosa Rivera
Francisco Padilla Benitez
Pablo Rodríguez-Vellando F.
Gemma Soriano Hoyuelos
Ana M. Vázquez González

Postgraduate and

Miguel Herbón Penabad
José Luis Cereijo Arango
Yan Li
