We are pleased to introduce the upcoming Master’s Degree in Sustainable Water Management, a collaborative program offered by the Universidade da Coruña, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, and Universidade de Vigo.

Water, being a finite resource, holds immense importance for economic development, human health, and overall well-being. However, the global challenges posed by factors like population pressure, economic growth, urbanization, changing lifestyles, climate change, and environmental degradation endanger its future availability. The Master’s Degree in Sustainable Water Management aims to tackle these pressing issues. This program will emphasize crucial aspects such as water conservation, seawater desalination, rainwater harvesting and storage, water reuse, aquifer decontamination, and leveraging new technologies to enhance water processing. By aligning with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this program aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of sustainable water management.

Through this master’s degree, students will acquire the necessary competencies to comprehend the concept of sustainability, recognize water-related challenges addressed in various SDGs, understand the complexities associated with water development, usage, and access, and adopt an integrated approach encompassing scientific, legal, and political dimensions in water allocation and management. Furthermore, students will gain insights into the urban water system, including its subsystems such as water supply, sanitation, and drainage, and explore synergistic solutions like treated water reuse, rainwater utilization, and sustainable drainage in water-sensitive urban development.

The curriculum will also encompass designing water supply systems, exploring alternative resources, and developing demand management programs. Students will be equipped to design water sanitation systems, implement advanced water treatment processes, and devise prevention and treatment plans to reduce water pollution loads. Additionally, they will learn to design urban drainage systems, develop treatment and management strategies to mitigate urban runoff impact on receiving water bodies, and protect water generation zones and ecosystem services within basins.

In recognition of the evolving technological landscape, students will be exposed to advanced methods in data science, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and augmented and virtual reality, enabling them to apply these tools in water management practices. Furthermore, the program will provide a comprehensive understanding of existing water management regulations at different administrative levels, with a specific focus on environmental, quality, and operational regulations.

We invite you to be part of this educational program in Sustainable Water Management, where you will develop the knowledge, skills, and expertise required to address the global water challenges of the future.