We are thrilled to announce that our research project SATURNO (Early warning against pluvial flooding in urban areas), has recently received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation!

The main work of the project is divided into 3 work packages:

Work Package 1 focuses on enhancing dual urban drainage models for pluvial flooding. This involves experimental work at the urban drainage facility of the CITEEC, the development of novel methods for transferring water from roofs and gullies to manholes, validation of the Iber-SWMM model using laboratory data, implementing Iber-SWMM in IberPlus, and applying these improvements to the region of Osuna.

In Work Package 2, we aim to implement an operational Early Warning System (EWS) for pluvial floods. This includes developing a pluvial flood model specific to Sada, calibration using observed data, integrating it into the MERLIN operational EWS, assessing the performance and uncertainty of predictions, and combining machine learning techniques with Iber-SWMM.

Work Package 3 focuses on effective communication of pluvial flood hazards. We will conduct surveys among the population exposed to floods in ARPSI (Areas of significant potential flood risk) and develop pilot mechanisms to raise awareness about pluvial flood risks.

We are excited about the opportunities this project brings, enabling us to advance our research and contribute to the development of more effective strategies for mitigating pluvial flooding. Stay tuned for updates as we make progress in SATURNO project!

This study was received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) within the project “SATURNO: Early warning against pluvial flooding in urban areas” (PID2020-118368RB-I00).