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We designed and programmed this website following the guidelines of the Web Accessibility Initiative, which sets international standards for creating accessible web contents to all kinds of users.

This website meets the following standards:

This is a subjective statement, as far as some accessibility guidelines can be automatically detected, but some other guidelines cannot. We checked all guidelines and considered that all pages of this website met them.

Accessibility guidelines:

We took several measures in order to make this website more accessible, among them:

  • Page structuring following a logical order of presentation of the elements on the page.
  • Identifying the images with descriptive texts.
  • Keyboard access to the all options.
  • Semantic XHTML. <h2> tags are used for page titles, <h3> for sections and <h4> for subsections. For instance, in this page JAWS users can move to the next section by pressing Alt + Insert + 3.
  • On all pages of this website, there is an element indicating the current location within the website and the trail to this location (breadcrumbs).
  • All pages have a search toolbar.
  • This website uses CSS style sheets.
  • This website uses exclusively relative font sizes.


  • Those links whose text does not fully describe the destination have title attributes with an explanation.
  • Links are written in such a way that they make sense out of context. Some web browsers (such as JAWS, Home Page Reader, Lynx and Opera) can extract the list of links from the current page and let users navigate the site using the list. Considering this, links are not duplicated; if they are, it is because they link to the same content.
  • There are no JavaScript pseudo-links. All of the links can be followed using any web browser, even if JavaScript is disabled.
