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The field of Hydraulic Engineering of the GEAMA bring together an extensive group of professionals who cover a wide variety of activities. Traditional hydraulics, linked with pressurized conduction and free flow, hydraulic works, and the study of riverway and marine environments, are some of the fundamental areas of study, and of r+D+i (research, development and innovation) of the group.

The research fields of the group are distinctly related to the environment, and include works on urban, river and coastal environments. Given the link that the analysis of the natural environment establishes with other disciplines, the field of Hydraulic Engineering collaborates with the other areas of the GEAMA in mutual projects, and includes, among its personnel, technicians who offer an interdisciplinary point of view.

The projects of r+D+i are always presented with an ample view regarding the methodological aspect: and therefore the tools ( physical and numeric modeling, field work) are not given primacy over the final objective, i.e the understanding of phenomenon and the solving of problems. This generally leads to approaching the problems with various tools, which are always complementary, and gives the work undertraken a pragmatic aspect with regards the final utility of the results obtained.

The field of Hydraulic Engineering of the GEAMA has, in both the ETS de Ingenieros de Caminos and the CITEEC, wide experience in free flow numeric modeling, using the latest in self-designed models and well known commercial models, working in GIS environments, laboratory work, and with field instruments. The continuous collaboration with electronic, computing, and artifical intelligence technicians in these fields gives the group much potential. Keeping up to date with the lates technologies is a basic premise in this field.

Finally, the field of Hydraulic Engineering of the GEAMA is conscious of the fact that the work of a university group consists of various lines of activity, such as study, research, the transfer of technology and the implication in actual society. The group strives for excellence in each of these fields, and its objective is to reach a reasonable equilibrium in its dedication to each of them. The information presented in this site gives credit to the compliance with this agenda.
